What a wonderful lunch shared yesterday celebrating 'Bollywood'.
There was plenty of colour, a wonderful variety of food and lots of conversation.
Trivia and raffles, always part of the fun, made it yet another day to remember! The photos tell the story!
Lunch with the Lads is a special treat. The ladies get waited upon and don't have to prepare, cook or wash up!
This must be a first in any Retirement Village !
(June Griffiths - jubar1@bigpond.com)
Around it came again St Patricks Day 2023. Residents came
wearing sily hats, bow ties, and an abundance of green attire. The
clubhouse was filled with bright happy smiling faces all ready and
willing to join in the fun.
We tested our knowledge of Ireland with trivia, Tirteen (13) being the number
of questions! One team actually got tirteen (13) out of tirteen (13) “to be sure”
“to be sure”.
We had a sing song of the Black Velvet Band which was out of sinc with the
music and video (very irish of course). However, we all managed the chorus at
the same time! A great music playlist created by Al & Bronwen.
The food once…