After nearly 6 months of hard toil, we are delighted to announce that the 9 x new Villa Units comprising stage 2b) and 2c) are now finally completed, and ready for occupancy.
Of the 9 units we have 7 already sold and only 2 remaining to the marketplace, these being being Units 32 & 33, which are pictured in the photo above.
Also, to illustrate the quality of the build, here a few selected photos of the bathroom from Unit 47 from Stage 2b) as well as the kitchen in Unit 37, plus the rear of units 31,32 & 33 which now seamlessly integrate into the existing Village by way of newly layed concrete pathway connections.

Crazy Mixed-Up Kids
Like being in a in a lolly shop and jars without lids
They hungered for something those Mixed-Up kids
A cowboy with swimmers and boots for a jig
James Bond wearing shorts, exceptionally big
There were hats back to front, like all rapper’s strut
Dancers with Tutu’s, different shoes on each foot
Spots and stripes and things that don’t mix
As the night came alive with the latest of tricks
The food was no different, it was a mixed-up affair
But we didn’t go hungry, there was plenty to share
As the evening progressed, we got serious to boot
With games and a sing song we all had a hoot!
Our bellies were full and the laughter…